Dear Beautiful Sisters!
We are vibrational beings, constantly creating our own realities through the frequencies we generate and give out to the Universe. Everything we think, believe or do creates vibration which has a knock on effect on the entire Universe. THAT IS HOW SUPER POWERFUL YOU ARE! The higher our vibrational frequency, the more we are able to ‘tune in’ to the highest frequency of all; the infinite SOURCE ENERGY that has created all that is – from the Earth, to the planets, to the entire Universe and of course, us! When we open our hearts and feel pure, unconditional LOVE, we vibrate at a very high level and ‘tap into’ this ever present, forever guiding, forever loving, pure consciousness of Source energy. By us being in this sacred space we are able to adopt the qualities of Source and that includes the ability to deliberately CO-CREATE our own realities!
As WOMEN, being more in touch with our emotions and being highly sensitive, half of the work that is needed for us to gain access to that INFINITE POOL of abundance is already done! Emotions are the KEY NAVIGATORS that point us in the direction of our Intuition, and Intuition is what takes us back ‘home’ to our true essence - our true loving states of being - where we can have ALL that our hearts desire. We have just forgotten how to use our beautiful gifts!
Before you came to this beautiful planet, you were EXPERTS in manifesting and you have come here to do exactly the same, from the leading edge of the Universe! We want you to remember your infinite potential and have FULL ACCESS to your birth given right of limitless Peace, Joy, Love and Abundance. Through our Sisterhood and ‘MORNING MAGIC CIRCLE’ routine, we aim to bridge the gap between you and Source, so that you, just like it, can once again become the expert CREATORS and MANIFESTORS of your dreams and desires. After all, this is WHO you are.
Sisters, now is the time to embrace your inner Goddess! I am honoured to take part on this beautiful journey together.