Dear Beautiful Sisters!
In our Morning Magic Circle program we present to you a routine of TRIED AND TESTED ancient methods which aim to align you with your higher being, within just 7 days. With the help of a few simple tools, we will show you how to transcend your thoughts and align the energy within and around your body, so that you may 'draw down' the magnificence of Source energy. The pure INTELLIGENCE, AWARENESS and CREATIVITY of Source is easily accessible to us as we stem from it , and therefore 'tuning' into it allows us to become deliberate creators of our lives, just like Source itself. Through the 7 day Morning Magic Circle we aim to turn the energetic 'key' in you, so that you may recognise and become your amazing 'God-like' selves.
Only 7 days, 1 day at a time.
We have thought very long and hard to bring you the BEST, FASTEST and MOST EFFECTIVE methods, considering each aspect of the program very carefully so that it may fit in with your daily routine. We have studied and applied these techniques to our own lives for years and are now ready to share the best of what we know with you! One thing is for sure, IT REALLY WORKS.
Magic awaits you dear Sisters, take the 7 day plunge, it may well be the best thing you have EVER done for yourself!
Deedee & Risha
If you would like to embark upon this life changing feat, all it takes is 1 hour a day. In this hour, we suggest you carry out the tasks described in the attachment below. A summary:
1. MEDITATION - Clears the mind of thought and resets you.
2. MANTRA - writing/reading or chanting - Refocuses your mind so you are better suited to channel your energy in the direction of your desires. (Mantra suggestions are provided in this group)
3. SET INTENTIONS - Sends out a clear indicator to the Universe of what your desires are, from your freshly focused mind.
4. YOGA - Moves energy in your body so that this too is rocketed out into the Universe so you can start manifesting straight away.
5. MIRROR WORK - Looking in the mirror for a period of time where you meet the most important person you know! This technique allows your subconscious mind to 'bubble up' so that you can start to understand where limiting beliefs have come from.
6. Join your sisters at our FACEBOOK MAGIC CIRCLE group to receive your FREE - MORNING MAGIC CIRCLE routine under "FILES"
Then you sit back, relax and let the MAGIC unfold! Repeat for 7 days, 1 day at a time!

"The Morning Magic Circle gave me the daily ability and reminder to make decisions from a more grounded and secure place thereby manifesting a better and brighter reality for myself."
"It was so good and I felt great and had more energy to put into the house that I am building."
"I'm feeling great! I have combined your morning challenge with a 21 day prayer and meditation cleanse.
It hasbeen a very emotional and healing experience for me."
"My breakthroughs were heart opening and healing past wounds. I feel more powerful and inspired than ever before."
"It helped me feel grounded, centered and aligned throughout each day.
I will continue with the morning routine."