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w/ Deedee & Risha


Collective 7 Day Morning Magic Cirlce

WE are proud, and extremely EXCITED, to announce that our collective 7 Day MORNING MAGIC CIRCLE will commence on Monday, 30th NOVEMBER 2015.

There is HUGE power in numbers and so by working on aligning our energies together, our energetic output will surge! As well as this, the power of our intentions will be multiplied! We are SO thrilled to be able to come together with you for the purpose of our own CREATION.

WE CAN NOT emphasise enough, how life changing this routine has been for me, and we hope you will join us to experience similar benefits of peace and sheer joy.

Sisters, Let's be the change. In 7 days we can open ourselves to receive LIMITLESS abundance.

Save the date! 30/11/15

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