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w/ Deedee & Risha


Reminder: Reiki for the Mind, Body & Soul

Dear Beautiful Sisters,

Hope all of you are having a fabulous holiday season! I have been “forced” by the Universe to take a break during the holidays by staying at a country house with limited internet service and walks in the countryside.

I wanted to remind everyone who would like to participate in the "REIKI CIRCLE FOR THE MIND, BODY AND SOUL" starting on January 1st and ending January 31st, one has to give permission to allow Reiki to come to you. Therefore, if you wish to be added in the “Reiki Circle” for the month of January please comment: your full name and location or send me a PM. More information on the “pinned post”.

“No distance is too far for Reiki”

Much Love, Deedee xo

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