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w/ Deedee & Risha


Practice What You Preach

Dear Beautful Sisters,

Cheers to the New Year! A time for resolutions and setting goals. Setting goals is affirming to the Universe that you are truly interested in living your life fully. I am sharing a couple of my goals for this Year with you all. Much love, Deedee

DRY JANUARY I have decided to forego alcohol, caffeine and sugar for this month (starting slowly). I usually start the New Year with a detox, I will be recommitting to my liver by giving up three of my favorite vices. Part of the challenge will be tuning into why I crave these items and what I can do going forward to re-tox in a healthier way.

PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH Everything I learned, I practice and share. Except one thing that I have been preaching for 10 years and watching someone do it every day but have hated the taste first thing in the morning.

Mixing ½ lemon with a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water is a pH8 Level that alkalizes your body to keep sickness away (amongst many others) and cancer cells cannot live in this environment

I decided to eat my words and have froze lemons to grate them to mix with the baking soda and water. I no longer taste the bitterness of the baking soda with the frozen lemon rinds and will continue to do this daily. Might as well practice what I preach!!



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