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w/ Deedee & Risha


Shine Your Light Meditation #2

Here is a REIKI meditation for the Full Moon happening within 8 hours. This can be used by all our Sisters for the Full Moon.

Much love & blessings, Deedee


Imagine yourself lying in a Reiki Circle and/or the Sisterhood Circle with your Sisters from around the world. Your role is to absorb the light being shared. Think of a metaphor that might help you with absorbing divine light and love into every cell of your being.

Allow the light of the outer Circle to jumpstart your own radiance to flow through every cell of your body. This reconnects us to our divine perfection and our connection to the web of light. This heals those states of separation that create emotional and physical illness. And it reminds us that we all have the power and strength to rise to the challenges and opportunities that life brings to us.

We can certainly keep shining our light into our Sisterhood Circle on a daily basis. For truly our work is to learn how to shine our light into the world with each breath and step we take.


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