“It doesn’t happen instantly, but when you look back at how you were before you started practicing, you start to realize its working”
Welcome new Sisters to our beautiful Circle. Let me introduce you to Risha aka Dr. Risha. She is an avid fan of meditation and strongly believes in the benefits gained by adopting it into our daily lives. She believes we are all connected beings, on a spiritual and evolutionary journey. From a young age she has felt a strong urge to help those who suffer from the consequences of negative thinking patterns.
Her mission is to help and empower people so that they may see their abundant personal power and potential, in the hope that we may all realize our connection to everything and everyone.
Risha is also an editor and writer for Power Thoughts Meditations Club and records meditations.
If you need a MEDITATION for your MORNING MAGIC CIRCLE, listen to Risha’s 15 minute meditation: Powerful Mindfulness Meditation
Who Am I? By Risha Joshie